FBI Director Wray and ILMA President Millet

Infragard Louisiana News

<a href="https://youtu.be/5VcSwejU2D0" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.infragard-la.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Picture1.jpg" class="image wp-image-9810 attachment-full size-full smush-detected-img smush-image-1" alt="" loading="lazy" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" width="200"></a>

Our Mission is To support an information sharing partnership between the private and public sectors for the purpose of protecting the nation’s critical infrastructures against attacks or failure caused by either foreign or domestic threats, and to support all FBI investigative programs, especially Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Cyber Crime.

InfraGard Louisiana Member's Alliance 

Executive Director's Message
“Be the Change / Be the Difference”

On Behalf of InfraGard Louisiana, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our InfraGard Louisiana website. InfraGard is a public / private partnership between the FBI and the private sector, more specifically the sixteen DHS CISA aligned critical sectors, whose mission is to network and share timely / actionable information for the purpose of public safety and protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure. Nationally recognized amongst 77 Chapters, InfraGard Louisiana is known for “making things happen”. Currently, InfraGard Louisiana has two major outreach projects, The Louisiana State Police Next Generation Re-entry JSOP (Joint Standard Operating Procedure) and The 2018 InfraGard Louisiana School Safety Initiative Multi-Hazard Toolkit, both of which have garnered national attention. The Louisiana State Police Next Generation JSOP utilizes a NIMS / ICS* compliant statewide placarding system that allows for seamless transition through multi jurisdictions, while the 2018 Louisiana School Safety Initiative Multi-Hazard Toolkit provides school jurisdictions guidance on developing a comprehensive school safety program. InfraGard Louisiana has also been host to numerous (12 currently) FBI Threat Briefs (physical / cyber), and has successfully conducted three advanced Cyber Security “Capture The Flag” Workshops, commonly referred to as “TigerTrap”.

Other Notable InfraGard Louisiana Achievements Include:

  • Home to one of the largest FSO / Port Security Workgroups in the country, and host to some of the largest exercises in the State of Louisiana.
  • Hosting 2020 Bayou CyberCon FBI N.O. Threat Briefing (400 Attendees) – 20 February 2020
  • Hosting A Very Successful South Central Regional Information Sharing Initiative:14-15 May 2019
  • Hosting Two very successful FBI / WMD Conferences: June 29-July 01, 2010 & May 21-23 2012
  • Conducting one of the largest ever Full Scale Exercises: 2010 Gulf South Crisis Area Access Control Full Scale Exercise – April 6-7, 2010
  • Hosting Two very successful & well attended Gulf Coast INLETS (Intel and Law Enforcement Training Seminars)
    • October 5-9, 2015
    • April 10-14, 2017

Here at InfraGard Louisiana, we consider it an honor and a privilege to be a part of InfraGard’s proud National Heritage. As an InfraGard Louisiana Member, You are considered a “Force Multiplier” in the FBI’s primary mission of protecting Our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, particularly here within the great state of Louisiana. Like other InfraGard Chapters throughout the country, we’re not interested in large numbers, just good quality members with a bit of Subject Matter Expertise. Therefore, if You would like to assist us in protecting Louisiana and our country, we would welcome You as an InfraGard Louisiana Member.

Best Regards / God Bless,

Lester Millet III

Executive Director, InfraGard Louisiana Members Alliance (ILMA)

* NIMS / ICS – National Incident Management System / Incident Command System Note: The National CERRA (Crisis Event Response & Recovery) Framework Is Partly Based On The Louisiana State Police Next Generation Re-Entry JEOP.
InfraGard Louisiana “Making A Difference, One Member At A Time

Message From the FBI Coordinator

Welcome to the InfraGard Louisiana Chapter! I have been an FBI Special Agent for over 18 years, and I have spent all of them assigned to the New Orleans Field Office. In my career, I have been responsible for investigating various federal crimes including: public corruption, computer intrusions, and foreign counterintelligence. Over my career, I have learned the value of working closely with our private sector partners, and I genuinely enjoy doing so. I look forward to working with my fellow InfraGard Louisiana members to keep our communities safe. Honored to be in your service.

SA Malcolm J. Bezet (Jerry)
FBI Coordinator

Our Sectors

In an effort to support the protection of the critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR), the chapter is organized into 16 critical infrastructure sectors. This provides focus for the membership on the issues of CIKR and the unique characteristics and conditions of each sector.


Critical Manufacturing

Emergency Services



Transportation Systems

Commercial Facilities

Defense Industrial Base


Healthcare/Public Health

Nuclear Reactors

Water & Wastewater



Food & Agriculture

Information Technology

Sector Chief Program

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