The InfraGard National Capital Region (InfraGardNCR) invites you to join its first InfraGardNCR Cyber Series webinar on 3/26/2019 at 1 p.m. Eastern!
The InfraGardNCR Cyber Series is hosted every other month by NCR’s IT sector chiefs (Patty Arcano and Chris Foulon). Our inaugural webinar in March is a deep dive into CIS Controls, featuring Phyllis Lee, senior director for controls at the Center for Internet Security.
This webinar is open to everyone, including people who are not InfraGard members, so please forward the invitation to any colleagues who might be interested in the topic. We’ll also record the webinar and archive it on the InfraGard portal for later viewing.
You must register at in advance to attend the webinar. Connection instructions will arrive via automatic email from our Zoom platform.
Here’s a synopsis of what we’ll cover:
The CIS Controls are internationally recognized for bringing together expert insight about threats, business technology, and defensive options into an effective, coherent, and simpler way to manage an organization’s security improvement program. But in our experience, organizations of every size and complexity still need more help to get started, and to focus their attention and resources.
To that end, we first took a “horizontal” look across all of the CIS Controls and identified a core set of Sub-Controls that organizations with limited resources and limited risk exposure should just do. We call this set Implementation Group 1. These provide effective security value with technology and processes that are generally already available, while providing a basis for more tailored and sophisticated action if that is warranted. Building upon Implementation Group 1, we then identified an additional set of Sub-Controls for organizations with more resources and expertise, but also greater risk exposure. This is Implementation Group 2. Finally, the rest of the Sub-Controls make up Implementation Group 3.
This talk will cover the Implementation Groups, and in particular, Implementation Group 1. We refer to Implementation Group 1 as basic cyber defense and, as such, should be the first sub-controls an organization should implement.
Our speaker, Phyllis Lee, has over 20 years of experience in information assurance and has performed vulnerability assessments, virtualization research and worked in security automation. Prior to joining CIS, Phyllis worked at the National Security Agency (NSA).
Questions? Email the InfraGardNCR coordinators at
We hope you can join us!