USCG District 8 Gulf of Mexico AMSC Annual General Meeting

March 21, 2019 @ 7:30 am – 3:30 pm America/Chicago Timezone
Kenner City Council
1801 Williams Blvd Kenner
LA 70062
Nick Parham, JD, D.C.L.
(504) 671-2044

Agenda and Registration Details

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fellow Gulf of Mexico Maritime Community,

On behalf of Captain Holmes, Chair of the Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Committee, I cordially invite you to our annual general meeting on March 21st in Kenner, LA.  Please find the agenda and registration form attached.  I ask that you if you plan to intend then please return the registration form no later than March 14th.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

2019 Annual Meeting-Registration Form

March 2019 AMSC Meeting Agenda

Nick Parham, JD, D.C.L.

Security Specialist

USCG Eighth District

Outer Continental Shelf Division

Ph: (504) 671-2044 |

Chair:  Captain Russell Holmes, USCG                           

Vice-Chair:  Mr. David Nichols

Executive Secretary: Mr. Nicholas Parham



(Subject to change upon operational needs)

0730-0830                            Check-In and Registration (Light Refreshments Provided by Seebald and Associates, LLC)

  • D8 OCS Staff

0830-0835                            Administration

  • Mr. Nicholas Parham, GOM AMSC Executive Secretary

0835-0845                            Welcome and Brief Remarks

  • CAPT Russell Holmes, Chair, GOM AMSC
  • Mr. David Nichols, Vice-Chair, GOM AMSC

0845-0915                            Keynote Address

  • RADM Paul Thomas, D8 Commander

0915-0930                            Break

0930-1015                            2018 Year in Review- Cyber Incidents in the Maritime Industry

  • Christy Coffey, EVP of Operations MPS-ISAO


1015-1025                            Break

1025-1130                            Panel: Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry- Diverse Perspectives

  • Ms. Christy Coffey- Moderator
  • Mr. Bryan Rouleau, Maritime Analyst, National Counterterrorism Center
  • Mr. Andy Lee, Partner, Jones Walker LLP, Co-Author of 2018 Maritime Cybersecurity Survey
  • Mr. Marco Ayala, AE Solutions, Senior Industrial Cybersecurity Project Manager
  • Ms. April Danos, Director of Information Technology, Greater Lafourche Port Commission
  • Col. Jim Rowan, USMC (ret), Cyber and IT Security, Alitek Solutions

1130-1200                            Old Business and New Business/ Upcoming Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Security Plan Revision and Exercise Development     P. Riordan, Chevron/Brant Mitchell, LSU
  • Maritime Domain Awareness                                 Lester Millet, Port of South Louisiana
  • Threat Analysis and Cyber Security CDR Chris Keene, D8 Intelligence


1200-1330                            Lunch on Your Own

  • Workshop for CSOs and Security Personnel will begin at 1330.  All others are adjourned.


1330-1530                            Workshop (Light Refreshments Provided by Seebald and Associates, LLC)

  • CSO and Security Personnel-  Cyber Security Awareness and Reporting Workshop
  • This workshop is not mandatory training, but it is focused on reviewing the current Coast Guard Policy (CG-5P Policy Letter No. 08-16) for reporting security incidents related to Cyber Security.  We will also review the measures in the Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Plan to ensure that updates made since 2017 are functional for our stakeholders.
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