GTSC HS Today / InfraGard Louisiana BayouSec News: Coast Guard Culture of Respect Endures Over the Past 230 Years- 26 March 2021
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fellow InfraGard Louisiana Members,
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Bridget Johnson
Managing Editor
Homeland Security Today
Twitter: @BridgetCJ
GAO Reviews USCG Drug and Alcohol Testing | Newest National Security Cutter | Stuck in the Suez Canal

Leading with Character: Respect
By Sandra L. Stosz
Alexander Hamilton instilled in the Revenue Cutter Service a culture of respect that has endured over the past 230 years to the modern-day Coast Guard. Since the United States had recently fought a war to escape tyranny and earn independence, Alexander Hamilton foresaw challenges the officers of the Revenue Cutter Service would face in enforcing laws on fellow citizens. He knew success depended upon building trust and creating a culture of mutual respect between citizens and their government.
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USCG Issues Changes to MSIB on Wearing Masks on Commercial Vessels
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Coast Guard Cutter Northland Returns from Gulf of Mexico Patrol
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Coast Guard, CBP Stop Suspected Human Smuggling Venture Off West Palm Beach
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Coast Guard to Rename Training Center Wing After Arnold Palmer
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European Agencies Join Forces to Support Safety and Security at Sea
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CISA Leader: Agency Must Expand Visibility into Risks, Incident Response Capacity After SolarWinds
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USGIF Reports Breach of One of Its GEOINT Symposium Vendors
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GAO Warns DOE on Electricity Grid Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
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The European Union Looks to Raise Its Cybersecurity Game
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Subex and SkyLab Announce Cybersecurity Partnership for the Maritime Sector
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Survitec Unveils Face Covering with Antiviral Properties for Maritime Crews
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ABN Amro First to Use ‘Self-Healing’ Cybersecurity Software
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GAO: DOT and USCG Could Do More to Verify and Publicize Drug and Alcohol Testing Data
Drug and alcohol testing is required for certain transportation industry employees. Federal agencies that regulate these industries collect test result data from employers and use it to set random testing rates.
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Coast Guard Commissions Newest National Security Cutter
The Stone is the ninth legend-class national security cutter in the Coast Guard’s fleet. The Legend-class, national security cutters can execute the most challenging national security missions, including support to U.S. combatant commanders.
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Ships Carrying Commodities Stuck After Vessel Grounding in Suez Canal
Dozens of ships carrying everything from oil to consumer goods have been delayed by the grounding of a vessel in the Suez Canal, and companies may have to re-route cargoes around Africa if the blockage extends.
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Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance Releases Crew Change Issues Guidance
The COVID-19 pandemic has significant impacts on the U.S. Marine Transportation System, the global shipping industry and on seafarers themselves. Travel restrictions imposed by governments have created significant hurdles to crew changes.
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COVID-19 Crew Change Crisis Still a Challenge, Says IMO Secretary-General
The crew change crisis caused by COVID-19 restrictions continues to cause challenges, despite some improvement in the numbers, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization has warned.
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Coast Guard Offloads More Than 19,600 Pounds of Cocaine, Marijuana in Alameda, Calif.
Prior to the Munro’s arrival in Alameda, the crew transferred 12 detainees, approximately 9,200 pounds of cocaine and 2,150 pounds of marijuana to law enforcement officials in San Diego.
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The Government Technology & Services Coalition’s Homeland Security Today (HSToday) is the premier news and information resource for the homeland security community, dedicated to elevating the discussions and insights that can support a safe and secure nation. A non-profit magazine and media platform, HSToday provides readers with the whole story, placing facts and comments in context to inform debate and drive realistic solutions to some of the nation’s most vexing security challenges. HSToday’s contributors and editors hail from throughout the homeland security community. They are the thinkers and doers who shape and implement the United States’ security methodologies, strategies and tactics. From policymaking in Washington, DC, to operations in challenging security environments, HSToday’s vast network of experts deliver the most authoritative, timely coverage of America’s efforts to address threats man-made and natural. Learn more and follow us at www.HSToday.us. Learn more about the new ownership at: www.GTSCoalition.com
Best Regards / God Bless,
Lester Millet III, President InfraGard Louisiana

Lester J. Millet III, LEM
Safety Agency Risk Manager / FSO Workgroup Chairman
Port of South Louisiana
171 Belle Terre Blvd.
P.O. Box 909
LaPlace, Louisiana 70069-0909
Office: 985-536-8300
Fax: 985-479-1643
Toll Free: 1-866-536-8300
Cell: 985-210-7518
Email: lmillet@portsl.com
web: www.portsl.com
“Proud Member of InfraGard”
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