IMA Hosts National InfraGard National Webinar, Feb. 1 at 11:00 am CST: What you need to know about DNS Flag Dayt

DISCLAIMER: The information contained within this broadcast message belongs solely to the InfraGard National Members Alliance (INMA) and is not representative of the FBI.

Dear InfraGard Members:

You are invited to join InfraGard National for a time sensitive, urgent webinar:

Title: February 1st: What you need to know about DNS Flag Day – “No Business is an Island” 

When: Feb 1, 2019 12:00 PM EST (US and Canada)

Audience: CI Operators, Risk Managers, OT & IT Managers (all together now!), IT Incident Responders


How change to a foundational networking technology can become a common point of understanding between OT, IT and CI Operators/Business leaders. This discussion will focus on the following:

  • DNS – the nature of the change, why now and why it is an important and necessary step
  • Tactical Response – practical steps and technical tools available to you if your environment is impacted today
  • Strategic Planning Imperative – change is the only constant. How can we use this as another opportunity to educate and partner with each constituent to begin or reinforce strategic planning for securing technology dependent operations?

DNS Flag Day represents an important milestone in an on-going series of changes to the core of how the Internet and network connectivity functions. Change can be disruptive and stressful, major change can be difficult to even communicate. Whether you are in IT, OT or are a CI operator, having a common understanding of this change can help ensure a faster response and help build a basis for strategic planning.

In this discussion we will use analogies to bridge differing levels of technical and non-technical networking knowledge so participants can consider their current exposure to disruption related to this and future changes.

You MUST register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

About the presenter:

Charles George is the current Water and Waste Water Sector Chief and PIO for the InfraGard Louisiana Members Alliance and has served as a CIO and CISO in the Water, Critical Manufacturing and Technology sectors. Previously, Charles has served as the InfoSec and OpSec Officer for US Strategic Command and as an Indications & Warning analyst focusing on real-time strategic threat intelligence. Charles is currently the President of First Maridian, LLC a private Cyber Security Services consulting firm.

We hope you enjoy this informative, time sensitive webinar!

Kimberly Pratt
Executive Director
InfraGard National

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