(SA) GTSC HS Today / InfraGard Louisiana BayouSec News: Leading with Character: Adapt, Adjust, and Be Agile- 16 April 2021
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fellow InfraGard Louisiana Members,
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God Bless,
Lester Millet III, President InfraGard Louisiana

Leading with Character: Adapt, Adjust, and Be Agile
Coast Guard watchstanders taking calls during Hurricane Harvey experienced emotional distress because they were unable to channel incoming requests for help to the on-scene rescuers. Unfortunately, there existed no national emergency call system for the social media realm. The commandant of the Coast Guard Admiral Paul Zukunft was quickly notified of the crisis. Immediately addressing the problem, he boldly led by promising, “No call to the U.S. Coast Guard will go unanswered.”

Flat DHS Budget in Biden Request Includes Increases for Cyber Threats, Domestic Terror
What’s in the President’s Budget Request for Transportation Security and Infrastructure?
Exceptional Maritime People Honored at Virtual IMO Awards
IMO Council Set to Expand Under Approved Amendments
Shipping Coordination Committee Meeting in Preparation for International Maritime Organization Meeting
Beijing ‘Maritime Militia’ Reportedly Swarming Parts of the South China Sea
U.S. and China Deploy Aircraft Carriers in South China Sea as Tensions Simmer
Biden Beefs Up Cyber Team with NSA, DHS Veterans in Key Roles at White House, CISA, DHS
Biden Speaks on Supply Chain Security and Integrity as Bipartisan Group Issues Warning on China
aeCyberSolutions Develops Maritime Security Assessment Services and Training Program
Spain Dismantles Organized Crime Group Involved in Migrant Smuggling
New Partnership to FightCybercrime Launching Program to Support the Military and Veteran Community
What Can the Military Teach Us About Keeping the Lights On?

Coast Guard Cutter Kimball Returns Home from Expeditionary Patrol in the Pacific
The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Kimball (WMSL 756) returned to Honolulu after completing an expeditionary patrol supporting Operation Blue Pacific, Op Rai Balang, and Op Aloha Shield in the Pacific.
HSI, Caribbean Corridor Strike Force Seize $50 Million of Cocaine
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents, working jointly with the Caribbean Corridor Strike Force (CCSF), seized Thursday 2,378 kilograms of cocaine in the municipality of Yabucoa in the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. The seized contraband has an estimated street value of $50 million.
Coast Guard Cutter Forward Returns Home After Two-Month Patrol
The Coast Guard Cutter Forward (WMEC 911) returned to its homeport in Portsmouth after a two-month patrol in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, working to suppress and eradicate the movement of illegal drugs in the region.
New Coast Guard Foundation Program Helps Mental Health and Family Resilience in First District
At his recent State of the Coast Guard Address, Admiral Karl Schultz acknowledged that the past year, in particular, has been challenging for everyone, and the Coast Guard is actively working to provide needed relief to its members.
Coast Guard Academy Participates in 2021 NSA Cyber Exercise
More than 200 women and men participated from U.S. Service Academies and Senior Military Colleges as well as civilian interns from NSA’s cyber-focused development programs in the three-day competition designed to develop and test cybersecurity skills.
The Legacy of the Titanic and the International Ice Patrol
This week marked one of the most famous disasters in maritime history, the sinking of the RMS Titanic off of Newfoundland while sailing on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. She sank in a little more than 2 hours. But what does this have to do with the U.S. Coast Guard?


GTSC’s Homeland Security Today
The Government Technology & Services Coalition’s Homeland Security Today (HSToday) is the premier news and information resource for the homeland security community, dedicated to elevating the discussions and insights that can support a safe and secure nation. A non-profit magazine and media platform, HSToday provides readers with the whole story, placing facts and comments in context to inform debate and drive realistic solutions to some of the nation’s most vexing security challenges. HSToday’s contributors and editors hail from throughout the homeland security community. They are the thinkers and doers who shape and implement the United States’ security methodologies, strategies and tactics. From policymaking in Washington, DC, to operations in challenging security environments, HSToday’s vast network of experts deliver the most authoritative, timely coverage of America’s efforts to address threats man-made and natural. Learn more and follow us at www.HSToday.us. Learn more about the new ownership at: www.GTSCoalition.com
Best Regards / God Bless,
Lester Millet III, President InfraGard Louisiana

Lester J. Millet III, LEM
Safety Agency Risk Manager / FSO Workgroup Chairman
Port of South Louisiana
171 Belle Terre Blvd.
P.O. Box 909
LaPlace, Louisiana 70069-0909
Office: 985-536-8300
Fax: 985-479-1643
Toll Free: 1-866-536-8300
Cell: 985-210-7518
Email: lmillet@portsl.com
web: www.portsl.com
“Proud Member of InfraGard”
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