Food and Agriculture Sector

Sector Overview
The Food and Agriculture Sector is almost entirely under private ownership and is composed of an estimated 2.1 million farms, 935,000 restaurants, and more than 200,000 registered food manufacturing, processing, and storage facilities.
More Information
The Food and Agriculture Sector-Specific Plan details how the National Infrastructure Protection Plan is implemented within the context of the unique characteristics and risk landscape of the sector. The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services are designated as the co-Sector-Specific Agencies for this Sector.
Sector Chief / Contact
Euclid Talley
Sector Menu
- Sector Chief Program
- Chemical
- Commercial Facilities
- Communications
- Critical Manufacturing
- Defense Industrial Base
- Emergency Services
- Energy
- Financial Services
- Food and Agriculture
- Government Facilities
- Healthcare / Public Health
- Information Technology
- Louisiana Maritime Security Community
- Nuclear Reactors, Materials & Waste
- Transportation Systems
- Water & Wastewater Systems