Louisiana Maritime Security Community (LOMSEC)

Lester Millet III lmillet@portsl.com
Cdr. Eric Acosta msocstbplaq@aol.com
Mission / Purpose
The Louisiana Maritime Security Community (LOMSEC) is a public private partnership between InfraGard Louisiana and the Louisiana Maritime Security Community, created for the express purpose of bilateral sharing of real-time, actionable, threat intelligence / domain awareness, along with collaborative periodic training and exercises (i.e. NOLASEC) in order to deter threats to the Louisiana Maritime Sector.
Membership: Ports and Terminals, along with Local, State, and Federal Agencies (Local Law Enforcement, OEP’s, GOHSEP, State Police, LA-SAFE, USCG, FBI, DHS CISA, ICE, CBP,TSA,HSI ), along with Private Stakeholders (MTSA Regulated Facilities and Vessels).
Members: 1300 (+)
Affiliations: InfraGard Louisiana, FBI New Orleans, USCG Sector New Orleans AMSC, USCG District 8 Gulf of Mexico AMSC, DHS CISA, LA-SAFE,GOHSEP
Area of Responsibility (AOR)
The membership AOR spans from the Lower Mississippi River Mile Marker 236 down to the Mouth of the River MM 0 onward, including the Gulf Of Mexico and all pipelines.
- LMR Port Security Workgroup / Quarterly Meetings
- USCG District 8 Gulf of Mexico AMSC Domain Awareness / Three Meetings Per Year
Exercise (Yearly)
- NOLASEC Communications Exercise
- USCG District 8 (GOM) AMSC